Illusion Walk was founded in 2013 to make the vision of a Holodeck come true. We offer Virtual Reality technology, content and distribution concepts for large-scale, multiplayer areas. Illusion Walk uses a unique walkable virtual reality platform named “Immersive Deck” and produces high immersive content with own concepts and tools. We combine the latest VR technology and realtime 3D rendering to bring the user the ultimate immersive experience: to walk and interact with others in large-scale virtual reality spaces!
At our studio in Berlin a steady team of 12 specialists develops platform and content for entertainment and commercial use, such as gaming, edutainment, architecture, show rooms, and training.
Our vision is to combine all necessary components of high immersive VR experiences for a comprehensive offer out of one hand. High quality and efficient operation can only be achieved with the right combination of innovation, creativity and product placement. Each part has to fit together.
As an immersive experience provider we cover three main pillars of location based business.
The core of every VR project is the positional tracking of the platform and its technical setup. How interactive is it? How many simultaneous users are possible? What kind of room do I need and how expensive is it? We understand our Immersive Deck technology as a modular system that is hardware agnostic, therefore we combine technologies already available with middleware we develop ourselves so that the Immersive Deck can be combined in many different ways and customized for your application. Whenever new VR products are available, we test them in detail in our labs and if possible integrate them into our platform. We are in direct partnerships with our suppliers to get the latest prototypes and cooperate with the Vienna University of Technology to exchange the newest results of our research and validate them using a scientific approach.
Just as the first movie makers had to learn how to use and direct their new medium, we also have to establish new narrative techniques to provide the highest immersion possible for our users. We believe that it is key for the success of Illusion Walk to not only to build a platform, but also develop amazing content for it. The platform setup defines the content, and vice versa. We want to demonstrate unique content and interactivity for the various possibilities the Immersive Deck supports: Entertainment, show rooms, edutainment, and training. We work on rapid integration of existing data like CAD (VRML, COLLADA, JT), and constantly improve our production process.
Jim Rüggeberg
Chief Executive Officer,
Building the Immersive Deck has been my vision for more than 20 years now. Finally, we have the technology to turn it into reality.
Managing partner Dipl. Kfm. Jim Rüggeberg is a passionate entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in different managing positions. He worked in sales, marketing, innovation management, and recently as CEO of an international premium tool brand with a € 250 million turnover.
Julien Rüggeberg
Chief Technology Officer,
For me, the development of the Immersive Deck is the most fantastic thing in the field of technology, and I am excited to lead our team.
Julien, a graduate from the Games Academy in Berlin and winner of the Gameforge-Newcomer-Award at Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2012, is a digital media professional with experience in product development processes, professional team building, and management. Over the last years, he also became an expert in VR related technologies we need to develop the Immersive Deck.
Head of Platform / Partner
Science / Directing Theory
Sound / Cinematics
Technical Artist
Code Architect
Interaction Developer
Shader Specialist
Visual Artist (Breakpoint One)
Business Development (Breakpoint One)
VR Developer (Breakpoint One)
As a company in a new and still developing business, we want to get the best consulting from experienced market players. We are happy to name three of the best experts for technology, content, and business strategy as members of the Illusion Walk advisory board. All of them have been working with us for years and share the dream of highly immersive experiences.
Hannes is one of the fathers of the Immersive Deck. He and his team helped us to create a first prototype, and we still cooperate with his institute in many ways. His fifteen years of experience in virtual reality – with all its ups and downs – is the basis of his reliable advice. Next to the technical aspects of holodecks, he works on technologies for better education. It is great to have him on the board!
Christoph loves games, but as a former lecturer at the Games Academy in Berlin he knows how hard it is to develop a good one. Since 2010, Christoph and his agency “Die Hobrechts” consult customers from various backgrounds in game development. He has already helped us with several content workshops and is always a great inspiration for us!
Tilman loves strategies, and the simpler and clearer they are, the better. So it is no wonder he named his consultancy the “BerlinerStrategen” and helps young enthusiasts like us to find the right way. His structured methods come straight to the point and give us a new perspective on our daily business, forcing us to rethink old convictions. We are happy to have him on the board!